Remember | Release | Reclaim
It’s Time to Heal and Wake Up Together.
Trauma, by definition, relates to that which is most terrible, tragic, and disabling in our lives. Yet through our difficult experiences we earn wisdom, which is ours to harvest when conditions are right. We now know what it takes to create those conditions.
The greatest joy I know is sharing the adventure of healing and awakening with people who have the courage to take their next step. I’m working to help make that next step available for more of us.

Where I’m Coming From
You could say I’ve been a spiritual geek all of my life. As an 8-year-old girl growing up in Indianapolis, my heroes were Gandhi, Joan of Arc, Jesus, and Einstein. Before this picture was taken, I had decided I was going to be a physicist like my Uncle Alan. To me that meant expanding the frontier of human understanding, building upon a foundation of solid facts established through scientific exploration. The precision of formulas with one right answer felt like an island of sanity in the turmoil of human life.
Eventually, while reading The Tao of Physics for a college assignment, I realized that the most intriguing questions about the nature of reality involved the role of the observer. In other words, our own consciousness. I needed to know more about us, and switched my major to psychology.
Whoa, you call this a science? Beyond rat experiments –not the reason I abandoned black holes and quantum entanglement– I found a multitude of opinions yet few areas of agreement. I finished a Masters in Counseling degree, but my studies felt….kind of… fuzzy.
It was only when I had the good fortune to study effective trauma therapy methods in the early ’90s that I felt I was standing on firm ground again. In the alphabet soup of EMDR, NLP, EFT, and TIR (see Work with Kate), I was ecstatic to get back to the realm of replicable results.
The thrill of expanding the boundaries of knowledge never ends. Of course, the more we know, the more we know we don’t know!
About Kate
I don’t mind being called a geek. In fact, when I was seven, around the time this photo was taken, I decided I was going to be a physicist like my Uncle Alan. To me that meant expanding the frontier of human understanding, building upon a foundation of solid facts established through scientific exploration.
Thirteen years later, while reading The Tao of Physics for a college assignment, I realized that the most intriguing questions about the nature of reality involved the observer. In other words, our own consciousness. I needed to know more about us, and switched my major to psychology.

Wait– you call this a science? Beyond rat experiments (not the reason I abandoned black holes and quantum entanglement) I found plenty of opinions yet few solid areas of agreement. I finished a Masters in Counseling program, but my studies felt….kind of… fuzzy.
It was only when I had the good fortune to study trauma therapy methods (see Work with Kate) that I had firm ground to stand upon again. I was ecstatic to be back in the realm of reliable results, while making a difference for individuals and for life on Earth. The thrill of expanding the boundaries of knowledge never ends. Of course, the more we know, the more we know we don’t know!
Upcoming Events
The event planned for May in Tempe has been postponed and will be rescheduled when venues are booking events again.
Flagstaff TBA, aiming for July
Albuquerque dates TBA, tentatively the week of September 20th.
Local organizers: please get in touch at if you would like a workshop in your area.

Now Available
PowerPoint download from Kate’s presentation “Are We Ready for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy?” at the Dec. 6-8 Arizona Plant Medicine Conference